How do I serve the True Guru? Can I do from home or do I have to go to Gurdwara?
These kind of questions have come and gone many times in my mind and there has always been this little doubt about if I have done enough to serve the True Guru? Afterall, the life aim of a Sikh is to serve the True Guru, but how do we serve the True Guru? Many other questions pop up:
1) Shouldn't I be going more to the Gurdwara and meet sat sangat? I have only been occasionally going. How can I be serving the Guru ji if I am just going on Sundays or some other days on occasional basis? Even then I just go and sit and eat langar and come home without doing much seva. Obviously that can not be considered as a serving the Guru. No chaur seva, no langar seva, no washing dishes, no cleaning or sweeping or picking up trash, no polish shoes of sadh sangat, no cleaning of bathrooms etc. So how can I be really serving the True Guru Ji? And, I know only Guru ji knows how much seva is enough and whose is doing the sincere seva. But these doubts and questions still exist.
2) So if I don't feel I have done enough to serve our Guru Ji in Gurdwara, then how do I get rid of this guilt of not serving and doing enough?
3) Is sat sangat is the only way to serve the Guru Ji? I mean I have never done a kirtan in a sat-sangat. I have only listened to kirtan in Gurdwara. And, I have heard from Gurmukhs that Gurdwara is where the sat-sangat is. What does that mean? Does Guru Granth Sahib has to be present during that sat-sangat? I think that would be ideal but just mere words of Guru Granth Sahib or just even the word "Satnam" or " Waheguru", even if one doesn't know or have the Guru Granth Sahib or pothy or Gutka with them, in a company of the holy shall be enough to make a true sat sangat.
4) Then how about serving the panth? Can I really be serving the panth by just sitting at home and try to being a house holder, serving family. Is that really serving true Guru Ji? What have I done for the panth? Did I do any reasearch on Sikhi? no. Did I do create a website or create a film or painting or art or anything to serve the panth and Guru ji? no. So how can I be serving the Guru ji?Back to my dilema, I don't go to Gurdwara enough, I haven't done enough sat-sangat with other holy Gurmukhs, created any thing that could help the panth in anyways. So what do I do? Have I served Guru Ji? Can one serve Guru Ji alone in their home or in a forest or in an ocean or mountain?
Well, as I was doing my sehaj path this morning on computer, and I think I got my answer as I read the following verse on page 26:
1) Shouldn't I be going more to the Gurdwara and meet sat sangat? I have only been occasionally going. How can I be serving the Guru ji if I am just going on Sundays or some other days on occasional basis? Even then I just go and sit and eat langar and come home without doing much seva. Obviously that can not be considered as a serving the Guru. No chaur seva, no langar seva, no washing dishes, no cleaning or sweeping or picking up trash, no polish shoes of sadh sangat, no cleaning of bathrooms etc. So how can I be really serving the True Guru Ji? And, I know only Guru ji knows how much seva is enough and whose is doing the sincere seva. But these doubts and questions still exist.
2) So if I don't feel I have done enough to serve our Guru Ji in Gurdwara, then how do I get rid of this guilt of not serving and doing enough?
3) Is sat sangat is the only way to serve the Guru Ji? I mean I have never done a kirtan in a sat-sangat. I have only listened to kirtan in Gurdwara. And, I have heard from Gurmukhs that Gurdwara is where the sat-sangat is. What does that mean? Does Guru Granth Sahib has to be present during that sat-sangat? I think that would be ideal but just mere words of Guru Granth Sahib or just even the word "Satnam" or " Waheguru", even if one doesn't know or have the Guru Granth Sahib or pothy or Gutka with them, in a company of the holy shall be enough to make a true sat sangat.
4) Then how about serving the panth? Can I really be serving the panth by just sitting at home and try to being a house holder, serving family. Is that really serving true Guru Ji? What have I done for the panth? Did I do any reasearch on Sikhi? no. Did I do create a website or create a film or painting or art or anything to serve the panth and Guru ji? no. So how can I be serving the Guru ji?Back to my dilema, I don't go to Gurdwara enough, I haven't done enough sat-sangat with other holy Gurmukhs, created any thing that could help the panth in anyways. So what do I do? Have I served Guru Ji? Can one serve Guru Ji alone in their home or in a forest or in an ocean or mountain?
Well, as I was doing my sehaj path this morning on computer, and I think I got my answer as I read the following verse on page 26: