Friday, March 17, 2006

What did United Sikhs do with my money?

I just saw this on msingh's blog and thought might interest everyone. Please pass this on. Even I had donated money to United Sikhs last year for Katrina relief and this report just leaves a bad taste for donating. I guess the best thing is to help yourself instead of thru an agency.(no offense to other good Sikh organizations out there) One bad apple ruins it for all of them.

I just read the link on the Bibi, the founder of United Sikhs, on women seva. I have to say, I do admire her courage for the stand on role of women in Sikhi. I just don't understand how can a person like that can do totally the opposite thing like above which seems very unsikh. But who am I to judge and I will just leave it up to Waheguru!


Blogger Sifar said...

The point that you (and I) raised about Nishan Shaib are valid. If it leads to some controversy, so be it. I would have not taken off any valid comment just thinking it may lead to some bitter feelings with a certain group. It is for the first time that I have seen a Nishan Sahib in a color other than Saffron. Today, some sikh organization changed the color of Nishan Sahib, tomorrow, another sect with come up with another color. This way we are showing the world of division between the Sikhs not unity.... Plus Sikhs are Sikhs, white, or black or brown or SGPC or 3HO or DSGPC or PSGPC or what ever organization they are affiliated with, so they should have the same Nishan Sahib under which they all should be united....

11:59 AM, March 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the article that you have referred - it is truly sad and surprising that someone will go to such extensive extent to gain her personal/organizational desired benefits. Oh well...but you know that this situation can so easily be extrapolated to the current Gurudwara situations in each town. We have 10 different organizations "demanding" for "help". At this New Year's eve I witnessed the WORST ever calls for help @ the Gurughar - the kinda things that were said to emotionally blackmail people who donate versus who don't donate was an absolute shame! Sadly!

As for the Khalsa flad, Sifar ji, I hope it wasn't my comment that ticked you off. It's just that I think there are bigger things to worry about than the colour of the flag alone. I do however see your point and consider it absolutely valid - it is! But what do you think you'd do to make up for the discrepancy?

4:30 PM, March 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:31 PM, March 18, 2006  
Blogger SikhsRus said...

Thanks Shinda Saheb for sharing story of the other side! I always tend to believe that most Sikhs are honest and speak the truth because that is in the essence of Sikhism but just don't know who to beleive here!

10:59 PM, March 19, 2006  
Blogger Sifar said...

Manjit jee...

Who will police the police... I mean if paanth de Jaathedar do something that is not right, is it not the time the paanth remind them of their duties. (Here I'm talking in general, not specifically in terms of Nishan Sahib).

If someone says that there are bigger things to worry about than Nishan Sahib, I believe they dont understand the gravity of the situation. I will give you an example of "Army Medical Core". When ever in battle field, they have the Red Cross on a white background flag flying outside their make shift hospitals, that identifies them as a non-combat unit treating the injured. If they didnot had a particular pattern that all the medical Units over the world follow, then it would be a catastrophe when the enemy would bombard the area where injured are being taken care of. I hope you get my point. The Saffron Nishan Sahib identifies a Gurdwara that people can spot from far. A white and yellow, or another color Flag doesnot identify a Gurdwara. And, its triangular shape, and color has some significance form the time of our Guru Sahiban. I dont think that we shold be dealing with it as a matter that dont need any attention.

10:19 AM, March 20, 2006  
Blogger SikhsRus said...

I agree with you completely on universality of Khanda and the flag. This is what identifies us as Sikhs. It is an important issue that need to be discussed and resolved. I just don't understand things like these are not questioned, discussed and resolved by Sikh leadership. I feel Sikhs are being failed again and again by lack of integrity for questioning things, vision for the Panth, compassion towards humanity and finally the basic lack of drive to accomplish things, in their own leadership. They are acting more like symbolic leaders or royals rather than true leaders. They seem so far removed from the common Sikh like the politicians. I wish the Jathedars had a website or email like the Prime Minister of India where people can write to them with their concerns. Then you and me can pose these questions directly to them instead of hurting some innocent person's feelings. If someone may know of such website, please inform.

11:37 AM, March 20, 2006  
Blogger Prabhu Singh said...

I'm kind of disappointed any time somebody takes the time to write an article or post something on a public forum that has the purpose of taking somebody or someone down. We do need to be vigilant, but we shouldn't exagerate or make it look like a grudge (in this case it looks like somebody trying to take down United Sikhs and elevate Khalsa Aid). I figure they both have great people and it would be good if they could work together. If it starts to feel like slander then I stop wanting to hear/read it.
I've worked with United Sikhs during Hurricane Katrina and I've donated money to them for several different projects. I know some really great people who volunteer with United Sikhs. I know of people who (for free) have done so much work to help on certain projects. Nobody's perfect, but I think United Sikhs can be trusted and any funds you send to them will be used for the right purposes.
United Sikhs is such a nice name and everybody wants to be associated with a name like that. They are also good at letting people know what they're doing. I figure there's nothing wrong with that. Me and a few friends (5 of us now) started a volunteer group and a few different organizations and groups have written articles on us and with our blog people from around the world know what we're doing. Our purpose for publicity is just to let people know what we're doing and hope that people might find it inspiring. Also if we ever need help on a big scale, it will be good that people know who we are. Right now we organize and fund the projects we do on our own.
There's always detractors, I wouldn't be surprised as our little seva group grows that similar things happen. I could imagine some projects being a little disorganized and people getting upset and writing articles. It matters more that somebody has the heart and dedication to serve.
I've already found a blog that was set up to write negative things about me and Gurumustuk and a few other Sikhs in Española. In my case they wrote about how I studied with an ustad who was namdhari. I don't agree with namdharis, but they're people too and they even taught me something that helps me connect to the Guru. As a part of God's creation it's required that I give them respect.
We should all be well-informed and try to hear both sides of everything, especially when something sounds like slander.

1:04 PM, March 20, 2006  
Blogger SikhsRus said...

Thank you Prabhu Singh! This is the kind of input I needed to bring my confidence up in these organizations! About the negative comments about you and others, I am sure those people have probably more faults and are already doing unsikh things by criticizing you. Nindak is part of being unsikh. I am not perfect and get into arguements with people sometimes, but best thing is avoid.

5:31 PM, March 20, 2006  

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